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The COVID-19 Crisis and your construction business – prevention is better than cure


The construction and infrastructure industry in Australia is facing its greatest challenge due to COVID-19 crisis, with potential site closures nation-wide, changes to working arrangements, and the shutdown of public spaces, schools and offices.

The current climate threatens to wreak havoc with industry stakeholders – whether sole traders, sub-contractors, contractors, principals and head contractors, developers or investors.

The Coronavirus outbreak has initiated a rise in:

  • Workplace Health and Safety issues
  • Cash-flow issues
  • Payment claim/schedule disputes and adjudications
  • Extension of Time claims, mobilisation, and delay cost disputes
  • Contract related disputes

Madison Marcus is at the forefront of managing these issues and helping our clients “Keep Calm and Carry On”, advising on their business continuity policies and protocols, ensuring that cash-flow is protected and assisting our clients chart a course through these difficult times.

While the immediate future for the market is uncertain, Madison Marcus can help provide builders and construction industry stake-holders with certainty, with a tailored risk minimisation strategy that suits your needs now and into the future, as well as addressing any immediate issues that threaten your cash-flow and business as usual.

We welcome you to contact us and let us know how we can help you and your business in dealing with this ongoing crisis.

If you have any queries or require any assistance in relation to construction matters please do not hesitate to contact our team today


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