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Category: Family Law

Copy of LinkedIn Post (Madison Marcus)
Understanding Full and Frank Financial Disclosure in Australian Family Law
Full and Frank Financial Disclosures are a fundamental principle in Australian family law property and financial matters.  It requires individuals who have separated and are involved in a family law...
Copy of LinkedIn Post (Madison Marcus)
Inheritance in Family Law Property Settlements
Former spouses dealing with the division of the property pool in family law property settlement matters are ordinarily, and understandably, going through a difficult and acrimonious period of their lives....
Pet Custody Disputes 14 DEC 2023 LI
It is no secret that our companion pets, or our “fur babies,” are considered integral family members of millions of Australian households by their human parents and are, under no...
MM-Blog Content 24 APR 2023 - 04
How Does Child Support Work in Australia?
Child support is an important aspect of family law in Australia, providing financial assistance to help children receive the care and support they need. In essence, child support is a...
MM-Blog Content 24 APR 2023 - 03
How Often Should You Update Your Will?
Planning for the future can feel overwhelming, but having a will in place is an essential step in ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes. However, creating a...
Blog Content 1 NOV 2022 07
Australian Family Law: Everything You Need to Know
Are you going through a separation or divorce and need some help understanding Australian family law? This post will discuss the key concepts of family law, including property settlements, child...
Blog Content 1 NOV 2022 05
When to Hire a Family Lawyer to Resolve a Family Dispute
Family disputes are never easy, and when they occur, it can be difficult to know where to turn for help. But when you hire family lawyers in Sydney, you can...
Blog 10 OCT 2022 blog 07[75]
What Is the Impact of Divorce on Your Estate Plan?
A divorce can be a complicated and stressful time for anyone involved. It’s important to have a well-thought-out estate plan in place to protect your assets. After a divorce, the...
Blog 10 OCT 2022 blog 05.1[12]
Will Vs Trust: Which Is the Better Option For You?
When discussing a will and a family trust, many people misunderstand the two as being identical. Although both can be used for estate planning, they have completely different applications and...
Blog 10 OCT 2022 blog 03[46]
Things to Consider for Estate Planning During a Divorce
Australia’s Family Law is a comprehensive statute that prescribes how to handle disputes involving matrimonial relationships, child custody and conjugal assets. It defends the rights of its members, especially the...
Blog 10 OCT 2022 blog 01[64]
Family Law Consent Order: Why Do I Need One?
Are you recently separated? Have you been served with divorce papers? Or are you considering a divorce? If so, you may be wondering what a consent order is and why...
Blog 04 OCT 2022 blog-10
The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Family Law in Australia
Family law in Australia can be complex and confusing. This cheat sheet will help you to understand the basics of family law in Australia, including what is covered by family...
Blog 04 OCT 2022 blog-9
Collaborative Family Law: A Peaceful Method of Divorce
Family Law in Australia is an encompassing act that mandates how to proceed with issues regarding marital relations, child custody and conjugal properties. It upholds and preserves the sanctity, values...
Blog 04 OCT 2022 blog-8
Do You Need Assistance with Divorce and Child Custody Issues? Read Here
As mandated by the Family Law Act of 1975, it should be in the interest of both parents, whether married, separated or in a de facto relationship, to form a...
Blog 04 OCT 2022 blog-7
How to Prepare for a Consultation with a Brisbane Family Lawyer Regarding Divorce
No one said divorce would be easy. It’s never easy when your relationship comes to an end. What’s unfortunate is that it can be a complex and emotionally charged process....
Blog 12 SEP 2022 blog-9
Divorce and Domestic Violence: Is Domestic Violence Considered a Crime
The 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics showed that 2.2 million Australians had encountered some type of violence from their partners. Domestic violence is a serious problem, and it is estimated...
Blog 12 SEP 2022 blog-8
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements: Do You Really Need One
Prenups, also known as ‘binding financial settlements’, were made enforceable in Australia for the first time in 2000, with the passage of the Family Law Amendment Act. Prenuptial agreements or...
Blog 04 OCT 2022 blog-6
Selecting the Best Family Lawyer from the Top Sydney Family Law Firms
Family law services in Sydney are one of the most common services you can avail of. When faced with complex problems, such as family disputes, divorce or custody cases, selecting...
Blog 04 OCT 2022 blog-5
Family Lawyer in Australia: How They Can Help You
When it comes to family law, there are a lot of different aspects to consider. From child support and custody arrangements to divorce proceedings, a family lawyer can help you...
Blog 12 SEP 2022 blog-7
Divorced Couples and the Question of Spousal Support
Divorce can be very messy and emotional, especially when children are involved. However, even in the best circumstances, divorce is still a major life event that can have significant financial...
Blog 12 SEP 2022 blog-6
How Domestic Violence Allegations Can Affect Child Custody
Around the world, one in three women experiences domestic violence. In Australia, one woman is killed every week due to domestic violence. It is a severe problem that can have...
Blog 12 SEP 2022 blog-5
How Family Lawyers in Sydney Bring Families Together
When a family goes through a separation or divorce, it can be challenging for everyone involved. Top family lawyers in Sydney can help ease the process by working with both...
Blog 12 SEP 2022 blog-10
Parenting Orders and Family Law in Australia: An Overview
It is no surprise that divorces are traumatic, especially when little children are involved. However, although you and your spouse did not get along, your commitment to your child should...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch3c10
Everything You Need to Know About Finding a Family Lawyer in Sydney
You need to consider many factors when looking for a family lawyer in Sydney. Things like experience and qualifications, fees and payment schemes are crucial criteria.  In this post, we...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch3c9
Understanding Parenting Orders in Family Law
The parenting orders in Australia are unique. This is because the Australian family law rules are designed to protect the children’s best interests and ensure that they establish and maintain...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch3c8
How a Family Law Specialist Can Help Protect Your Rights
Family law specialists in Australia can help you with a range of legal matters relating to your family. They can assist you with divorce, property settlements, parenting arrangements, child support...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch3c7
Family Law Solicitors: How to Make the Right Choice
Family law rules are made to protect the family unit. They are designed to keep families together and to make sure that each family member is treated fairly. However, family...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch3c6
Important Considerations When Finding the Best Family Law Firm
Families are the cornerstone of society. They are the essential building blocks of communities and nations. Families provide love, support and stability. They instil values, teach responsibility and prepare children...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch3c5
Common Types of Family Law Issues
In September 2021, the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and the Family Court of Australia officially joined to form the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCA) or a...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch3c4
Family Law: Related Legal Services and What They Mean for Families
The Family Law Act 1975 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that governs all aspects of family law in Australia. When a family goes through a legal separation or divorce,...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch3c3
What Can a Family Law Solicitor Do For You?
Family lawyers in Sydney provide a wide range of services concerning all aspects of family law rules to their clients. Family law solicitors offer legal advice, representing clients in court...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch3c2
Family Law Issues in Australia: When to Get Help
Family law is the area of law that deals with issues relating to families, including marriage, divorce, property division and child custody.  In Australia, family law is governed by federal...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch1c1
Why Is It Important to Know Family Law?
Oftentimes in a marriage, disputes and conflicts are intermittent issues couples encounter that often lead to separation. That’s why knowledge of family law is helpful. It helps each partner to...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c10
Understanding Custody Arrangement and How to Handle It
Aside from divorce, custody arrangements are one of the most important aspects of family law. This is because these arrangements can have a significant impact on both the parents and...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c9
Parenting Arrangements in Family Law: Everything You Must Know
Parenting arrangement is one of the essential aspects covered by various family law rules. The family court considers these arrangements valuable because they directly affect the overall welfare of every...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c8
The Fundamentals of Divorce in Australia
Divorce it is a complicated and emotionally charged process. This can make the process of getting a divorce very confusing, especially if you are not familiar with family law rules...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c7
Divorce and Family Law: What You Need to Know
The Australian divorce and family law system are designed to help couples who have decided to divorce or end their relationship. More importantly, the system can help children and families...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c6
Understanding Divorce Procedures in Australia
Are you considering getting a divorce and looking for top family lawyers in Australia? If so, there are some things you need to know.  Divorce is a serious decision that...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c5
What Are the Different Areas of Family Law?
Family disputes are inevitable. Regardless of the efforts exerted to keep everything in order, many couples still fall to issues that might endanger the family’s existence and the children’s welfare....
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c4
Importance and Coverage of Family Law in Australia
How crucial is having a family lawyer to defend your rights? Whilst the family law system is designed to protect the rights of all family members, including children, it can...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c3
What Is the Sydney Family Law Under Act of 1975?
When it comes to family matters and family disputes, the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) is the principal legislation governing family law in Australia. The Act also sets out the...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c2
The Most Common Questions About Family Law Issues With Answers
Are you considering a divorce? Or do you have questions about child custody? If so, you are not alone. Family law is complex and can be confusing. This blog post...
Awards 18 AUG 2022-batch2c1
What Are the Common Family Law Issues in Unique Families?
Many things can make a family unique and complex when it comes to divorce and family law. Parents can be unmarried, be in de facto relationships or can be expats,...
How to Find the Best Family Law Firm
If you have problems related to family relationships, working on them on your own is not enough. What you need is the help of a family law firm. They will...
When to Hire the Services of a Family Law Firm
Your marriage and the family you built are in turmoil. However, you try your best to fix the problems without the intervention of legal representatives. We only come to a...
Family Law Firms: Choosing the Right Divorce Lawyer
Every year, there are a lot of marriages that end in separation due to misunderstandings and other issues. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 49,510 divorces were granted in...
Family Lawyers in Sydney – Dealing with Family Issues
Family life is always a priority, but there are situations and phases in family life that are hard to deal with. So, one might need the help of a family...
What to Consider When Hiring Family Lawyers
Why would you hire a family lawyer? What problems do you encounter in your family? Whilst there is no perfect family, any family faces tons of issues inside the home....
What Do Family Law Firms Deal With?
Life, sometimes, is complicated. Domestic disputes, for example, are inevitable. Wills and properties are often the cause of family breakup. Child custody is another. How about you? Do you have...
Australian Family Law Explained
Australian Family Law ExplainedAustralian Family Law Explained Family law is a broad branch of law that deals with issues related to marriage, child support and parental responsibility, co-parenting and child...