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New COVID-19 Pandemic (Subclass 408) Visa

The Australian Government has made some variations to the Temporary Activities (Subclass 408) visa. In effect, a new stream has been developed to allow the visa holder to remain in Australia if you have no other visa options and are unable to depart Australia due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

This visa also allows the holder to remain in Australia to assist in critical sectors including healthcare, disability and aged care, childcare and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can also:

  • travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while your visa is valid;and
  • include members of the family unit in your application.

If you are applying for the COVID-19 Pandemic event visa, you do not have to pay the visa application charge.

You must be in Australia to be granted the COVID-19 Pandemic event visa.

This is a temporary visa. You can stay in Australia:

  • for the duration of the event; or
  • if you are an event organiser, up to 4 years.

The Department grants the visa with multiple entry. You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid.

If you apply in Australia, the visa starts the day the Department grants it. If you apply outside Australia, the visa stay period starts the day you enter Australia on the visa.

Your visa grant letter will tell you how long you can stay in Australia.

You do not need to be endorsed in writing to apply for the COVID-19 Pandemic event visa. The COVID-19 Pandemic event visa is only available to people who are onshore and have 28 days or less remaining on their current visa or where their last substantive visa has expired up to 28 days previously.

Work rights will be limited to those who are granted a COVID-19 Pandemic event visa for the purpose of permitting them to work in an area of critical need such as agriculture, health, aged and disability care, and childcare.

For more information on this visa and to see if you qualify, please contact us by
clicking here.

If you wish to arrange a virtual consultation with us to discuss your matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Immigration & Global Mobility experts below or at or call our offices on  +61 3 9670 4033 (Victoria) or +61 2 8022 1222 (New South Wales)

The expert team at Madison Marcus are equipped to handle all of your legal and business enquiries in relation to the COVID-19 Crisis. Contact us by clicking here.

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Has your business, tenancy or commercial property been affected by the devastating COVID-19 Crisis? Our FREE BUSINESS HEALTH CHECK will help you understand what immediate, short- medium and long term steps you can take to protect the health of your business and recover from a critical condition.

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