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Construction contract article


Administration of construction contracts is an important process for building contractors and sub-contractors in the life of a construction project.

Adopting and following the contract administration processes as set out in the construction contract is critical in ensuring that your rights throughout the course of a construction project are protected and maintained.

Madison Marcus’ Construction and Infrastructure Division can provide an innovative service, at competitive rates and with a competitive pricing structure, to assist your construction business with the preparation of various contract administration documents with a view to assisting you comply with your contractual obligations.  Our contract administration services on offer include the preparation of:

  • Payment claims that meet the requirements of the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW);
  • Extension of Time applications;
  • Contract variations;
  • Dispute notices;
  • Suspension notices; and
  • Termination notices.

Contact us today to enquire about our pricing structure and contract administration services and find out how we can assist you to achieve your goals and keep your project on course. Take the first step to ensure the protection of your rights under the construction contract.

For all enquiries in relation to Construction and Infrastructure matters or advice, please contact our expert team today. 

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